Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Open Your Eyes" - Alter Bridge

"Open Your Eyes"
Alter Bridge


Don't they always say that being a leader means being alone?  That is the common saying.  And it makes sense.  To lead is to have a vision.  And to have a vision worthwhile is to have something that no one else has - to stand out - to be different.  And to be different, as we all know, is often to be alone.

Sometimes it's easy to wish that everyone else would just "open their eyes."  We know it would be much simpler if they just "realized we are one."  How different are any of us really from the next person?  We all want the same things.  We want to be accepted.  We want to be appreciated.  We want to feel as if we belong, not only in a community, but to the world.  We want to feel as if we are making a difference.  We want to believe, above all else, that "our day will come."

Alter Bridge is a band with four members: Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti, Scott Phillips, and Brian Marshall.  All four collaborate extensively with Kennedy and Tremonti working as the major songwriters and every band member working as an arranger.  "We knew Myles was an amazing singer.  That's why we hired him," explains Tremonti on the band's website.  "What we found out when we toured the first record was that he's also an incredibly gifted guitar player and songwriter as well as a vocalist.  It would have been a crime not to utilize all that talent."

Kennedy agrees. "Mark and I really compliment each other, especially when you juxtapose his powerful style with my dark and emotional approach.  On top of that, we have a common goal, to find the best melody possible."

Most of Alter Bridge's music has a sociopolitical tone.  Kennedy indicated on the website that he wants listeners to be asking themselves the following questions: "Have you reached your potential? Are you doing everything you can to make a difference?"

Making a difference is difficult.  It takes perseverance and moreover, it takes the willingness to view yourself as apart from normal society.  Being human, this is a tantalizing place to be in.  We long to make a change but at the same time we have the same emotional needs as all of our peers.  We want to be like them and be accepted by them.  But how can we truly fit in if in the back of our minds, we are seeking to change them, knowing that they are living with closed eyes?

"It's hard to walk this path alone.  It's hard to know which way to go."  We're always questioning our efforts, hoping that our isolation ends in victory.  We love what we do, but we can't help but wonder, "Will I ever save this day?  Will it ever change?"

But the truth is, we can't choose who we are.  We can change how we act to a certain extent.  We can modify some of our needs and wants.  But if we are different, we are different.  If we are less inclined to fit in with the usual crowd of people, then that is the case.  But like with all things, we have to hope that our differences were given to us for a reason.  And maybe we can't change people.  But we can try, with all our might, to "open their eyes."

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