Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Hey Stephen" - Taylor Swift

"Hey Stephen"
Taylor Swift

It's not easier once you win. It gets even harder when you have done so to secure victory.  You have to maintain your status.  You have to prove every day that you're still the worthy person you are.  It's still just as much of a challenge.  It's even more of one, because you're in the limelight now.

 Just because you're happy doesn't mean that others stop craving your happiness.  They crave it even more in fact.  It's that sick little voice inside every human's head that gets more satisfaction out of stealing than working or waiting to win the proper way.  Some people have trained themselves out of such impulses with time.  Others still fall prey to it once in a while.  And many live off it without even realizing it.  It's hard to compete with others who consciously or even subconsciously have made your insecurity their lifestyle.

Taylor Swift knows all about winning.  But she did it the right way.  Taylor released her debut single "Tim McGraw" in 2006, but she'd been writing songs way before then.  She used them from an early age as an outlet for the frustration she felt over not fitting in at school.  Though she lived in Pennsylvania, until age 14, Taylor made frequent trips to Nashville, Tennessee hoping to get a record deal and writing and recording songs with local artists.  Eventually, after her family moved to a Nashville suburb in order to support Taylor, she was signed onto Big Machine Records.

Taylor has released three albums so far, the first being "Taylor Swift" (2006), the second being "Fearless" (2008) and the most recent being "Speak Now" (2010).  She writes all her own lyrics and isn't shy to express her emotions directly.  Taylor claims that if she lined up her ex-boyfriends and asked them which songs pertain to them specifically, each one would know.  Taylor's songs apply so well to audiences because she projects her adventures and failures, mainly concerning love, for the world to hear.  "Love is a tricky business," Taylor explains.  "But if it wasn't, I wouldn't be so enthralled with it.  Lately I've come to a wonderful realization that makes me even more fascinated by it:  I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to love.  No one does!  There's no pattern to it, except that it happens to all of us, of course.  I can't plan for it.  I can't predict how it'll end up.  Because love is unpredictable and it's frustrating and it's tragic and it's beautiful.  And even though there's no way to feel like I'm an expert at it, it's worth writing songs about--more than anything else I've ever experienced in my life."

Taylor seems not to be afraid of winning or losing in love because she has a larger power to which she yields.  Victories and heartbreaks both give her the power to write songs.  They both allow her to express what she's feeling.  When she wins, she can flaunt it.  When she's heartbroken, songwriting is her weapon so that no douchebag can get away with what he's done.

Taylor suggests that all of us should just hope for the best - innocently charge forward because who says we know any better not to?  Sure there are "girls tossing rocks" at the window of any nicely furnished house.  They might whine about irrelevant losses or set you off ease when they publicly flirt about should-be professional matters.  But what can you do?  You won.  And you have to own it no matter what they do.  Because if they win, all you do is write a song and be done.  And you know it's worth all the unease because you've been "holding back this feeling" that's more wonderful than you've ever pictured.  You "can't help yourself."  And now that you're "believing that you don't always have to be alone", you can't let them get to you.  Because soon, you've got to believe that no matter how manipulative, how smart and involved others are, you are worth it.  You're worth it without playing games, without joining that sorority.  You would be just as worth it as you are.

Because like Taylor says, you have to be sure of your victories otherwise you'll never secure what you need - the courage to say:

"I could give you fifty reasons why I should be the one you choose.  All those other girls, well they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?"  ;)


  1. this is very different from your other posts....but good!

  2. To be fair, some of the guys should be writing songs for Taylor Swift. Otherwise the relationship is too lopsided.

  3. Hahaha! Yeah...well a lot of them are singers anyway so I guess it's even...:/
