Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Collide (Acoustic)" - Howie Day

"Collide (Acoustic)"
Howie Day

It's impossible to ride smoothly through life without hitting a wall.  Metaphorically or literally, you will fall.  Sometimes, you just have to accept that you're not yet at your full potential.  You're breakable, as you always will be.  And you still haven't yet reached the point in that certain area where you at least feel invincible.  You still haven't sunk into that rhythm you need to succeed.  Because that rhythm takes time to instill within you.

American singer-songwriter Howie Day began his career in the late 1990s, but became widely recognized for his debut album "Stop All The World Now", which was certified gold in 2005.  His two biggest singles, one being "Collide" and the other "She Says" come from this album.  Before signing onto Epic Records in 2002, Day 'invented' his own avant-garde method of recording songs. "I thought I was a genius when I figured out that I could record something on one tape player, and then record myself playing along to that type on a second tape player," Day joked.  "It was my poor-man's version of multi track recording."

Day's music has touched the world.  And his simple yet poignant acoustic version of "Collide" teaches us that we can indeed rise from anything.  Everyone - even those that we might consider "the best falls down sometimes."  And it can be so damn confusing when "the wrong words seem to rhyme."  We're tempted to cut ourselves down.  We're tempted to bar ourselves from the parts of our lives that are going well because we feel we don't deserve them.  We define ourselves as victims of our own success and reapers of our failure.  But no tactic helps because the reality is still there to haunt us no matter where we turn.  All we can do is pick ourselves up and run with a new wind.  Because in the scheme of life, any failure can be condensed such that we can view ourselves, not as abandoned, but "close behind."

We are incapable of possessing a clean record in most areas of life.  Of course there'll always be one area that tends to run smoothly.  For some, emotional heartaches are standard but rejections from schools and desired programs are sparse if at all existent. Others experience academic rejections and no emotional ones. You never know when or where you're going to get lucky.  And you can never fathom how your life path is going to build.  All you can hope is that you gain the wisdom and experience that will allow you to shape each important area of yourself the way you want.  And you must hope that these various areas will cease to combat with each other and rather somehow reorganize and moreover, "Collide."

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